Investing together to End grand corruption

Restitution believes in an approach which uses methods and techniques pioneered by the litigation funding industry to provide sovereigns with a demonstrably better deal than ever received before and in a shorter time horizon to have their national patrimony restituted.

Our work can be crystallized as “turning the tools of the City and of capitalism against bad actors to clean up the system for the greater social good.”

On the basis of years of research, it is our view a robust public-private partnership can unlock the level of political support, capital and requisite human resources genuinely required to get the job done, with a serious, multiplier effect and upside.

It is our firm conviction that this model can not only improve the terms which sovereigns receive moving forward, it can also ensure positive and durable systemic change.

Asset 43

Let our team of experts guide you through the process.

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Sierra Leone Cryptocurrency Workshop

Restitution was honoured to be invited to host a workshop on cryptocurrency on 20 July 2022 for Sierra Leone’s Anti-Corruption Commission (the ACC).    With the

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What we offer



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Why us?

The Problem

Illicit financial flows (IFFs) have been measured at $50 billion a year. A significant portion of these flows relate to grand corruption - essentially assets stolen and hidden from sovereigns. The complexity and cost of enforcement often deters governments from pursuing their legal claims to these assets.

Our Solution

Recent developments in litigation, enforcement and financing structures mean that the claims themselves can be more accurately valued as assets. This gives sovereigns the ability to better measure claim values and work with other investors to pursue cost-effective restitution by leveraging some of the newest tools developed in the City of London and other financial centres. We work with experts in a variety of complementary fields, use the most sophisticated techniques and create cutting-edge structures to leverage innovative approaches to enforcement.

Why Now

IFFs are an increasing global problem. However, with greater emphasis on cleaner financial centres globally, we believe that now is an opportune time to restore these stolen assets to their rightful owners while providing a strong return for our investors. Now is the time for international private and institutional capital to be part of the solution.

The Opportunity

We are partnering with a broad range of stakeholders to make our vision happen. There are opportunities for impact-focused investors, governmental and quasi-governmental actors, multilaterals, investigators, law firms, and others to get involved.

sovereign governments come to us.

